ATLANTA — A shootout in southwest Atlanta left a woman dead in the middle of the street.
Police said she and a second victim were not the intended victims.
It happened Sunday afternoon on Baker Drive. Police said the shooting was tied to an argument that took place hours earlier.
Detectives say that the shooters and the two victims knew each other.
“We will ensure that justice is served in this case,” said Commander Andrew Smith with ADP Homicide. “It’s really complicated to explain.”
Detectives on the scene said the argument happened at a different location and picked up again around 3:30 p.m. Two men ended up at the home on Baker Drive SW.
“That’s when the shoot-out began,” said Smith.
The two men started shooting at each other and their stray bullets hit a 21-year-old woman who happened to be the girlfriend of one of the shooters.
She died on the scene.
Homicide detectives said a stray bullet also hit the homeowner in his leg.
A family member said that within minutes of the incident, they rushed to the scene. More than three dozen family members and friends showed up at the location looking for answers.
Right now, it is unclear if one or both men are being considered suspects.
The investigation is ongoing.
No additional information has been released on the alleged shooters or the identity of the woman who died.