On Air

Q: My gardenias have bloomed white, but now they are turning brown. What should I do?

A: That’s normal once they been open for a few days. And all of the rain we’ve had recently seems to accelerate them browning. I pinch the browned flowers off for more blooms on my Diamond Spire Gardenia.

Another listener asked about propagating a gardenia from cuttings. Woody shrubs, like gardenias and hydrangeas, can be propagated from softwood cuttings this time of year. That means it’s best to take 5 - 8 inch-long cuttings of branches with new, green growth at the tips. Typically you’ll take more cuttings than you think you need because some will fail. Remove leaves closest to the cutting, but leave the leaves closest to the tip so they can receive sunlight and photosynthesize. Applying rooting hormone to the cut can be done, but it’s not necessary. Stick the cutting in a clean pot with well-draining potting soil and perlite. The environment should be kept humid and bright, though not in direct sunlight. Soil needs to be kept moist for several weeks.

Most cultivated plants are patented, so while gardeners love the challenge of propagation and sharing plants with others, propagated plants are not to be sold. Keep them for your own enjoyment. Read more about propagation here.

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