To get wax out of your carpet, slow and steady wins the race

Q – We had some Christmas candles drip wax onto our carpet? How do we get that wax out of the carpet?

Stan in Douglasville 

A – Wax in the carpet isn't that unusual a problem. The fix is to be patient.

You will need a brown paper bag, like you used to get at the grocery store, or like you used to get to carry your lunch in, and an iron.

I know, a lot of people want that wax to be gone quickly, but this will take a little bit of your time.

Cut the paper so it covers the wax drippings and heat up your iron on low. Then place the brown paper bag over the wax and ‘iron’ the paper slowly. As the wax melts it will be drawn into the paper.

Do this several times with a new piece of brown paper each time, and your carpet will soon be wax free.

Don’t get in a hurry tho. Low heat and slow ironing is what you need.