Change is in the air, with more to come

A little cooler and a lot less humid

If you were out early enough this Saturday you may have felt a change in the air. During the day the sun is hot enough for it to be less noticeable. But as forecast all last week a new air mass is moving into North Georgia bringing some relief from very high humidity (dew points in the upper 60s to low and mid 70s for weeks on end) and temps below 90 for a string of days.

Notice the drier air mass (lower total precipitable moisture in the air) and lowering dew points that replace the humidity that was still high on Friday, Saturday through Tuesday the drier air mass moves in:

Just like I showed you with the model forecast maps how the total moisture in the air changes from Friday into early next week, notice how the same thing happens with surface dew points, dew points in the 60s and especially 70s are humid. As dew point gets close to 60 or below the comfort factor goes way up as the humidity goes way down and night-time (morning) minimum or low temperatures also fall to an autumn tease at least compared to our many months of endless air you can wear:

Before you can even have A CHANCE of rain, you need enough moisture in the total air mass, without it there is no rain chance and few clouds:

Notice how the return of a chance of rain coincides with the change of air mass from one with below-normal total precipitable water to one with normal to above-normal total precipitable water:

So after a respite, the precipitable water and dew points will return and with that the total moisture in the air mass goes up returning humidity, increasing scattered clouds and hit and miss showers and thunderstorms for the second half of the new work week and into the following weekend.

Longer range the GFS is suggesting another, maybe even stronger autumn type cold front may pass through the area between next Saturday and Tuesday Sept 15th shown in the map below.

But I am not convinced of that just yet, it may be weaker than shown or get delayed. So listen to my updates on the radio.

For daily weather info follow me on Twitter @MellishMeterWSB.