Ticket required to buy souvenirs at Turner Field

“Just take a look at it sir, we’re just asking you take a look. There are some emails on the back!”

Last year, Larry Miller was out in front of Turner Field selling Braves souvenirs. This year, he is handing out leaflets instead of baseball caps.

The sidewalk vendors who were ubiquitous last year are now gone, banned by the city from plying their wares outside Turner Field. If visitors want a souvenir, they will have to buy it inside the Ted.

“Our water outside is $1.00. Inside, it’s $4.75. If you’ve got a family of four, can you imagine what it’s like? Twenty bucks instead of four bucks,” Miller told WSB’s Pete Combs.

Miller says it is the fans who will suffer.

Miller and other vendors are suing the city over its new policy, which allows vendors only in certain areas of the city, not Turner Field and not Five Points. City officials will not talk about the suit, saying they will save their remarks for court.