Suwanee dedicates new 9/11 memorial

The city of Suwanee will dedicate a new 9/11 memorial at its Town Center Park as America remembers the 12th anniversary of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center.

A piece of a steel beam from one of the towers is now on permanent display in a newly built plaza in the park.

The 1,600 pound piece was given to the city by the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey two years ago.

The new circular plaza has engraved stones chronicling the events of that tragic day.  It also contains a cauldron what projects a map of Manhattan when it’s illuminated at night.

“We had it displayed in front of city hall for a while, and then we put it in storage while we finalized what we wanted, how we wanted it, and where we wanted to display it,” City Manager Marty Allen tells WSB’s Sandra Parrish.

“Having a small piece of that day is something that connects our entire community together,” he says.  “We have residents that were touched by the events and we’re just honored to have it.”

The dedication ceremony will be held at Town Center Park tonight at 7:30.