What is the Twitterverse saying about the presidential candidates after the nominations?

If what the Twitterverse is saying about the presidential candidates after their nominations is any indication, President Obama may face an uphill battle headed toward the election in November.

Mike Gelfond at Mastermind, an Atlanta marketing firm compared social media traffic on the candidates from one week before their respective nominations to the day after.

“I was floored,” he exclaimed.

Who is tweeting these angry messages?

While the volume of social media messages was about the same for both President Barack Obama and former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, Gelfond said the number of negative messages regarding President Obama was twice those for Romney.

According to Mastermind’s analysis, 60-percent of them come from men who are 35 or older.

“When you look at this and see a 35 and older crowd is making up about 60-percent of all chatter, you got to think this is not good for Obama supporters,” Gelfond said.

He said it was a strong indication that Romney had a strong lead on mobilizing his support – at least, on the internet.