3 truths about ObamaCare, and 3 things you can do

Start now.

ObamaCare is such a disaster on so many levels, it's almost difficult to focus on the basic truths that define this fiasco. But we have to be able to grasp the basics and stay focused on them. Let's cut through all the clutter and get to the things that matter most:

  1. The American people were deceived. The president and the Democrats lied to the American people in order to pass the Unaffordable Care Act. I don't care how much you hear people trying to spin it. We were deceived. That doesn't set very well with me. I don't care if it was my brother. If it was a deception of that nature, I wouldn't be real happy about it.
  2. The president and the Democrats knew millions of people would lose their health insurance coverage. I don't buy the malarkey that they didn't understand, and now millions of people are stuck in the ObamaCare gap, between insurance people had and insurance people don't have yet.
  3. There is a simpler and eaiser way to cover those not covered without blowing up the entire system. They could have gone the route of Medicaid, or restructured Medicare. There are a lot of simple ways it could have been done. But it was all about power over people, not empowering people.

Now, if these are the three basic truths, what do we do? Here is good news. There are also three basic things we can do to change the situation:

  1. Look to 2014. Look at your representative or your senator. See how they voted on ObamaCare. Every day the administration and the media will try to shift the subject, but don't shift away from the importance of the election in November 2014.
  2. Stay informed, involved and inspired. They want you to believe that now that the horses are out of the barn, you can't get them back in. Oh yes we can. They want you to remain stupid. They want you to be stupid enough to believe the lies, the backpedaling and the deception. You're not. President Obama's disapproval rating has moved up almost one point a day in the last week. Now close to 55 percent disapproval. What about that 39 percent who still approve of him? Don't worry about them! Most of them are clueless. We have to be concerned with saving the savable.
  3. Start now. You don't wait until the week before Election Day. Start now making sure you understand who's running. They haven't had the primaries yet, but a lot of people are jumping in. Be informed, get involved and support the candidates who can and will do the right thing and get rid of ObamaCare.

Stay focused on the core truths, and also stay focused on what you can do. That's how we fix this mess.