No, 'reversing inequality' is not the government's job

And attacking job creators only makes it worse.

President Obama is talking a lot these days, during his give-speeches-instead-of-governing tour, about his determination to "reverse inequality" in the economic situations of Americans. This is nothing new, of course. His entire presidency has been based on the notion that the rich have too much and everyone else is suffering as a result, and he's just the guy to "spread the wealth around" so everything is equal and fair.

And as we told you last week, the whole thing is nothing but a big hustle, and the middle class is demonstrably worse off as a result of Obama's policies.

But he should, not only because his attempt to reverse inequality has been such a disaster, but because it isn't the government's job to do this in the first place. The government's job is to get rid of barriers - most of which the government has created - to the creation of wealth. Like a crushing and complicated tax code. Like an oppressive regulatory regime. Like ObamaCare. Like the EPA and the NLRB.

Yet he persists. This is his entire political identity, after all, and he's not going to give up on talking about it just because his attempts to do it have proven to be an abject failure in every way.

A president who understands economics would fix these problems, get out of the way and let the productive sector do what it does best - which is to produce, create wealth and create jobs. Such a president wouldn't obsess over "equality" because he would understand that when there is more wealth and more opportunity, those who need to improve their economic situations have more opportunity to do so. He would also understand that it is up to each of these individuals to do it. It is not up to the government to do it for them.

But we don't have a president like that. We have Barack Obama, who keeps attacking job creators, and can't understand that he is creating 7.6 unemployment and sub-2.0 percent GDP growth as a result. Which is why he keeps vowing to do even more of it. Which is why nothing will get better as long as his policies are in place.