Round 1: Congress vs. President Obama

It's been a crazy week, so we’ll keep it short and sweet. I’m sure many of you took the time to watch President Obama’s State of the Union Address on Tuesday night.

Sadly, we learned very little from this speech, but I’m not going to dwell on the specifics. Why? Because we all see the inevitable gridlock ahead. The only hope for bipartisan progress in this Congress is to move government spending deadlines up on the calendar. We know that this Congress and President Obama are notorious for pushing their spending deadlines to the max.

We should also understand that as colorful and engaging as the President’s speech may have appeared, he still has to go through Congress. Not suprisingly, Congress appears to have an entirely different agenda. We’ll have to wait and see which party’s vision shines through, whether you like it or not.

It's been a crazy week so look for my first very first network television interview to post up in the coming days.