Heart Attack Facts: Whose at risk?

Too many people do not know the signs and symptoms of heart attack, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Cpt Fleetwood Loustalot, CDC says, "about 50% of people in the U.S. still are unaware of the major common symptoms of a heart attack."

Symptoms include tightness or pain in the chest, neck, back, or arms, as well as fatigue, lightheadedness, abnormal heartbeat, and anxiety. Women are more likely to have atypical symptoms than men.

If you see someone who's unconscious and you believe is having a heart attack, first call 9-1-1 for emergency medical help. Then check if the person is breathing and has a pulse. If the person isn't breathing or you don't find a pulse, only then should you begin CPR to keep blood flowing.

Each year there are an estimated 750,000 heart attacks in the United States. Early intervention is crucial. Treatment ranges from lifestyle changes and cardiac rehabilitation to medications, stents, and bypass surgery.

A number of factors can put you at risk for a heart attack. Some factors you can’t change, such as age and family history. Other factors, called modifiable risk factors, are ones you can change.

Risk factors that you can’t change include: Age, if you’re over age 65, you’re risk for having a heart attack is greater. Men are more at risk than women. If you have a family history of heart disease, high blood pressure, obesity, or diabetes, you’re more at risk.

People of African descent have a higher risk.

Modifiable risk factors which you can change include:


*high cholesterol


*lack of exercise

*diet and alcohol consumption
