Flu season is not over yet

It's late in the season but Flu is not over. Influenza in Georgia is widespread, and the intensity level is high, meaning a lot of people are showing up at the doctor's officer very sick.

Nancy Nydam with the Georgia Department of Public Heath says, "Today we've got a predominate strain of H1N1 and less of the H3N2." She says we saw H3N2 earlier in the season. "The good news is both of those strains were contained in the year's flu vaccine," says Nydam.

Flu vaccine effectiveness of 47% means you are half as likely to come down with the flu this season if you have been immunized. But even if you come down with the flu, the flu vaccine can still offer protection.

17 people have died from flu this year in Georgia, including one child. This same time period in 2018 there were 127 flu-related deaths, 4 of those were pediatric.

We often see influenza peak in the end of January to the first of February, but it can last into April or the first of May. Nydam says, "the only thing predictable about flu is that it is unpredictable."