Cars shut down I-285 to do donuts

A dangerous stunt on I-285 has some safety officials in an uproar.

"I have seen and done some stupid things in my life," says Director Harris Blackwood with the Governor's Office of Highway Safety. "That's a whole 'nother realm of stupid."

The Youtube video shows cars doing donuts on I-285 in the middle of the day. The man holding the camera says his friends did it as a tribute to a friend who had died in a car crash.

"It might have been reckless or something like that," says Cali Floyd, "but that's the way we pay homage."

Floyd tells Channel 2 Action News they used dozens of slow-moving cars to block the flow of traffic on I-285, so his friends could donuts on the road near Forest Park Road in Southwest Atlanta.

Blackwood says Atlanta has enough traffic and crashes without that kind of driving.  Blackwood also told Jodie Fleisher of Channel 2 that he worries the YouTube video will inspire copycats.