Local school district giving all employees appreciation gift of $125

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BARTOW COUNTY, Ga. — Teachers and staff in at a local school district are getting a special “thank you."

Bartow County schools is giving all employees a one-time payment of $125 on Wednesday.

The superintendent said its teachers and staff have risen to meet all of the challenges to serve students in-person and virtually.


“As the days and weeks have unfolded, it is evident that all our school system employees not only accepted the challenge of opening our school system on time with in-person and distance learning instruction but also with a passion and commitment to do so at the highest level,” said Superintendent Dr. Phillip Page in a letter to employees. “As many school systems hesitate to return to in-person instruction or limit the number of days for in-person and distance learning instruction, you have provided the leadership and collaboration necessary for our students to attend classes five days a week in order to ensure the best opportunity to show proficiency on our essential standards. No one has done it better than you, and no one has been more valuable to a community than you.”

Officials say all 20 Bartow County schools remained in the “green phase” with more than 99 percent of its students and staff healthy. At the conclusion of these successful five weeks, the Bartow County School System stands with the lowest number of positive COVID-19 cases since the start of school.

“Over the past few months our employees have risen to meet multiple challenges placed before them and have consistently shown extraordinary courage, compassion, and creativity,” said Bartow County School Board Member Anna Sullivan. “Their work on behalf of every child in our school system has been, and continues to be, exemplary. When Dr. Page presented this opportunity to recognize their efforts in a tangible way, it allows us to show our appreciation for their personal sacrifice and perseverance in their dedication to our families. We are deeply grateful to the employees of our school system.”