Atlanta police host new spring break camp for youth

ATLANTA — Several dozen Atlanta middle schoolers are spending their spring break at a new youth and Atlanta police spring break camp.

When the fliers went out for the camp geared towards exposure to the many facets of Atlanta police, there was no shortage of interest.

The students are making several stops this week, including Wednesday with Atlanta Police’s Mounted Patrol.

From horses, to Crime Scene Investigation (CSI), to learning from the men and women who investigate auto thefts, it’s their chance to see some of the inner workings of Atlanta police.

“Horses, they’re not really my style but it’s still a good experience just to try new things,” student Seth Tilley said.

The camp is a response after the city saw a slew of young people killed by gun violence last year.

The hope is to occupy young minds and keep them focused on the positives.

“What I’m hoping is they understand there is a lot more to life than guns and gangs, and we want them to understand they’re available and they can come to us,” said APD Community Service Division Major Jeff Cantin.

Lucas Reed said he would’ve otherwise spent much of his spring break lying around.“It’s pretty much making my spring break better than what it was going to be,” he said.

“Based off of tv, they make it seem like cops are big bad people who think they have authority and can do whatever. They’re not that,” Reed said.

The next stop on the agenda will be to meet with judges and court staff on Thursday.