Anger over confederate Memorial Day proposal

More than 100 Fayette County residents turn out on the Square to protest a Proposed Proclamation naming April 26 Confederate Memorial Day to honor 1,000 Fayette County men who fought and 379 who died in the Civil War.

Update: After a two-hour protest and hours of comments from citizens here in Fayette county,  Sons of Confederate Veterans, the group which proposed the proclamation to name April 26th Confederate Memorial Day,  withdrew the proposal. There was no vote. 

Lisa Norwood who is from Los Angeles but has lived here in Fayetteville for 11 years tells WSB, “I’m glad to see so many of us are coming out here to support one another and we’re glad to see our Caucasian brothers and sisters out here too fighting this cause, but, it’s really disturbing.”

Michelle Allison who is white holds a sign that says, “Vote NO to Racist Holidays.” She tells WSB, “I find it appalling that any town government would try and support such a hateful out of date ignorant proposal.”