Dog paralyzed in abuse case

The search is on for the person who shot a dog not once, not twice, but seven times.

Virginia Keller, who works with the Gwinnett County jail dog program and Social Humane Friends of Georgia, tells WSB they found "Catie", a mixed breed, after someone called 911.

"It was an anonymous 911 call to the police in Atlanta.  They went out to the location and they discovered the dog in the dumpster.  She had been shot seven times," said Keller.

"They're afraid that the back legs may be paralyzed but even so, if that's the case, we'll have people make a little wheel chair for the dog," said Keller.

It's hard to believe but Catie survived. Even though she was paralyzed, she was hopeful the dog could be saved.

Hours later though, Keller was notified by a neurologist at UGA that Catie's injuries were far more severe.

Not only was spine shattered, her spinal cord is completely severed, her neck was shattered, and she has a piece of shrapnel lodged in her heart.

The doctor recommended that the most humane thing would be to euthanize her.

In tears, Keller said she hopes the person responsible is found.

"Whoever shot that dog, and shoved that sweet dog in that dumpster to die a painful, painful, painful, painful death for days is the devil incarnate," said Keller.

Anyone with information can call Fulton County Animal Control at

or Zone 1 Investigations at

Keller says they're putting together a reward to find the person responsible.

Anyone with information can go to

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