Deal: Changes to state health plan coming

The state's new health benefit plan has angered so many teachers, nearly 10,000 have joined a Facebook page devoted to criticizing it.

Besides higher premiums, employees have to spend more out of pocket for doctors and prescriptions with the three-tiered plan which no longer includes co-pays.

Gov. Nathan deal says he has heard their complaints.

Deal blames the changes, in part, on the new Affordable Care Act.

“We will have an announcement very soon about some proposed changes to the state health benefit plan that we think will address some of the concerns that teachers and state employees have experienced,” he tells WSB’s Sandra Parrish.

“A lot of the complaint, I think, is the cost of the program and those are the same complaints that we have as the employer in the state benefit plan,” he says.

Deal laments that only one provider, Blue Cross Blue Shield, is available to employees, whereas in the past, employees could choose between more than one.

The governor says he would like to see that option available again when the contract is rebid for next year.