Good Samaritans stop alleged drunk driver

Good Samaritans intercept a woman driving drunk through Suwanee with her young son in the car. 

Witnesses tell Suwanee police, they spotted 44-year-old Leena Roshanani Mithani veering all over the road early Saturday while her 8-year-old sat unbuckled in back.  They managed to box her in on Peachtree Industrial Boulevard and hold her until police arrived.

Mithani claims she only had a few beers and strayed out of her lane while she fiddled with her headlights.  The Gwinnett Daily Post reports she flunked field sobriety and breathalyzer tests. 

Police charge Mithani with felony child endangerment and a seatbelt violation.  Her husband picked up their son, who was unhurt.  She later posted bond.