Bills on abortion and MLK statue head to governor’s desk

A bill that would prohibit abortion coverage under the State Employees Health Benefit Plan is headed to the governor’s desk.

The measure codifies administrative action taken last year by the Department of Community Health at the direction of Gov. Nathan Deal.

“Abortions are not allowed to be paid for with taxpayer’s dollars except to save the life of the mother,” says bill sponsor Sen. Judson Hill (R-Marietta).

Female Democrats in both the House and Senate call it yet another attack on women’s reproductive rights.

No exceptions were made for rape or incest.

“What we’re saying to young women walking around this Capitol is ‘We love you, but you better not get raped,’” says House Minority Whip Carolyn Hugley (D-Columbus).

Also headed to the governor’s desk is a bill to erect a state of Dr. Martin Luther King Junior on Capitol grounds.

The bill was amended in the Senate to include approval from the King family before the statue is made.

The statue, which is estimated to cost around $100,000, will be funded with private donations.