Atl. mayor plans for 2,000 cops in budget

2,000 police officers in the city of Atlanta.

That's the dream of Atlanta mayor Kasim Reed and that's what his new budget proposal called for.

While many residents support the idea, some city leaders say it's hard to pay for that many officers.

That's not stopping Mayor Kasim Reed from making a statement.

"We've got shrinking revenues," says Atlanta City Council President Ceasar Mitchell. "What it really requires us to do is to re-allocate our priorities as we re-allocate our funds, and so that's where the debate and the conversation really occur."

"The appropriate size police force that we need is 2000 officers," he tells Channel 2 Action News, "and we may have to make different decisions to achieve that objective -- but we will achieve that objective."

The new plan calls for more police officers, something Atlanta Police Chief George Turner welcomes.

"We hope that it will give us an opportunity to put officers in those areas," says Turner, "and be more proactive as opposed to reacting to crime."

As for someone who saw her son's and her neighbor's cars be stolen, Atlanta resident Juddie Green says, "we've got to do what we've got to do for our safety."

"I moved here about 15 years ago -- loved it and I've seen crime just skyrocket since I've been here," said Green.