GA 400 tunnel to remain

Tolls end on GA 400 Friday in preparation the eventual dismantling of the toll plaza. But at least one part of the current structure will remain.

The 600 foot tunnel that runs the length of the toll plaza has served as the passageway for cashiers to get to and from their booths safely over the years and also holds the vaults that collect the money.

Steve Corbin, director of operations for the State Road and Tollway Authority, says it also houses underground utility lines and will continue to do so after the toll booths are gone.

Corbin says while the tunnel will remain, the stairwells leading up to the booths will be filled with concrete during the construction phase.

“We actually service a tower on the other side of the roadway that has cellular and other products so this tunnel will be maintain, of course, all of the toll equipment will be removed and a lot of the miscellaneous piping and conduit will be removed,” he tells WSB’s Sandra Parrish.