Q – We had a party over the weekend and someone whom I will not name (my husband) spilled red wine on our carpet. By the time I got to it I managed to get quite a bit up. I know getting it all out now is going to be hard, but what is the best way to remove wine stains the next time – and there will be a next time – an un-named party (my husband) spills on our carpet.

Donna in John’s Creek

A – Such a waste. I hope that someone (your husband) pays for wasting perfectly good wine.

From there, it gets a little confusing.

You are correct about getting to it quickly. That is the number one important thing you can do.

I have heard tell of home remedies that work, from pouring common table salt on the stain, to using milk, shaving cream, or a concoction of 2 parts hydrogen peroxide and 1 part Dawn dish washing liquid to clean the stains.

Here is what I use, and have some success with, although I am not a big wine spiller (such a waste).

First and most important is to blot. Don’t scrub the stain as that will only make matters word. Blot with a white paper towel or cloth, then neutralize with a white vinegar solution (2/3 c of water to 1/3 c of white vinegar) saturating the spot, but not wet enough to soak the backing. Blot up the excess moisture.

Then I use a detergent (1 qt of water with ¼ teaspoon of detergent that doesn’t contain lanolin or bleach) applied to a cloth and blot more rinse with tap water using a spray bottle.

That should get you in the right direction. Good luck.

Oh yeah – how about a tippy cup for whats-his-name, (your husband)…