Keep the air of your garage door with this

Q – We are shopping for a new garage door. What should we be looking for in terms of energy efficiency?

Marilyn in Monroe

A – While a new garage door is always a good idea (hint to my neighbors) you are smart to be adding energy efficiency to your list of things that are important in selecting a new door.

A – The ‘R’ value of the door. ‘R’ value is the number assigned to measure the insulative (I just made up that word) properties of anything. Almost every component of your house comes with an ‘R’ value. The higher the ‘R’ value number is, the more insulation that object will provide.

You are basically looking for 2 things:

2 – Any potential for air leakage around the edges of the door or through the door itself.

I think the garage area is one of the toughest areas in your house to insulate because no matter how well your door insulates, you open it once and you are starting all over again.

You need to look for well-fitting hardware that keep the door panels secure and tight, is there weather-stripping that goes around the door – even across the floor of the garage under the door (there should!), and are there windows in the door?

I know windows always add a degree of light and life to an otherwise dark area, but they are not very energy efficient.

One last item – have a professional install your new door. Sure you are a whiz with a level and a screwdriver and such, but there are many components of garage door installation that you probably aren’t aware of (The correct tension of the spring is? Anyone? Anyone?) and frankly, are better not dealing with.

Good luck!