Beware of hot flashes...

Q – It seems that everyone in my family waits to use the toilet until I am in the shower and with every flush comes a shower scalding. Is there something I can put on my shower or toilet to stop this?

Steve – Marietta

A – You can put an 'Out of Order' sign on each commode when you hit the shower but you know when you gotta go…

These devices detect the sudden change in pressure in either the hot or cold water and immediately compensate for it by reducing the overall water flow through the faucet.

Your best bet is to call your favorite plumber and have them install an anti-scald valve, or a pressure balancing valve, in the shower.

Your other choice would be to move. These valves are required by building codes in new homes, or at least houses newer than 1988.

Even if you don’t suffer from this problem it is good to have them installed anyway especially if there are small children or elderly in the house.