McKenna Shea Xydias

McKenna Shea is a rambunctious two-year-old who has never let anything stop her, and never will! On February 15th, after a whirlwind of 24 hours, Kenni's parents, Meagan and Mike, were given the news that she has a form of ovarian cancer. This news came with the knowledge of a very large tumor (14 cm) and some smaller ones in her abdomen. On Monday, 2/18/19, Kenni underwent surgery for the 1st time. The amazing doctors were about to remove 90% of the main tumor as well as a couple other cancerous implants. They were able to keep one ovary but had to take 5 inches of her small intestine. The hope is anything remaining will be knocked out by chemotherapy. A week later, Kenni was official diagnosed with Stage 3 Yolk Sac Ovarian Cancer. She started chemotherapy on Wednesday, 2/27/19.